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10 I Love You Sms That Are Way Better Than Saying I Love You

When love is in the air, there is no moment to spare for sending a cute and romantic I love you sms to your beloved. Thanks to ubiquitous mobile phones you can share your mushy thoughts with your dearest anytime, anywhere. So if expressing love in 160 characters is your thing, then check out these 10 ideal text messages that perfectly communicate your affection.


When you have to use as many similes as possible to compare your love, then this I love you sms works great to get the point across.


This I love you sms is definitely going to leave your SO smiling. Send one of these in the morning and your loved one will begin the day with a radiating smile.


Sometimes your loved one is more than what you had wished for and all you want to do is express joy of finding the right person.


A good choice I love you sms when you want the cadence of your love-words to captivate the attention of your beloved.


Waiting for your beau to be back from work? Drop this I love you sms that communicates the deepest of your heart’s feelings and you will be delighted by the response.


The b

est I love you sms for the days when you have a tiff with your beloved. This one is surely likely to lighten things up.


This one makes a great one to cheer your better half. Sweet and subtle.


Kick off the day with this sweet I love you sms that shows your Bae how much you enjoy being with her.


In true love, distances do little to fade the love. No matter how far you are physically, you will always find your heart beating for your beloved.


Love is in the eye of the beholder and behold the amiable gaze of your beloved. Nice SMS to express this sentiment.


This makes for a great text message, one that captures the emotion of feeling like ONE. There is a reason why your spouse is often referred as your other half.


Perhaps the simplest way of expressing your perennial love through a SMS. If you just want to keep it simple then go for this one.


It is always nice to acknowledge the affection and care showered by your dear one. This I love you sms is a great way of expressing just that.


A bit cheeky yet effective in bringing a wide smile on the face of your lover.



Her passion is to help people to awaken their mind’s hidden potential and activate the power of their intuition so they can live happy, healthy and fulfilling live.
Mindset Expert, specializing in the fastest method of changing subconscious mind, releasing stress and improving vibrations levels.
For almost 8 years, she has been learning from leading personal development and collecting the best tools for life transformation and developments. She also have extensive knowledge in the field of sexual advice. For her sexuality is one factor that every woman and man should nourish. She here to express herself and on a mission to help on life journey.

Hello, My name is Ms Yuna Salazar founder of A Mindfulness Guru and Model. Producer of Healing Tone and Music.


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