This epic collection of sad love stories are a powerhouse of emotions. Do not underestimate the impact of these stories by their limited words. Each short sad love story is something so special that you will instantly relate to it with your life and experiences. So read on and let your heart be the judge of it.
The Short Sad Love Story List To Break Your Heart:
Sad Story #1
A girl wanted a ring. But the boy gave a teddy bear instead. In anger, the girl threw the teddy bear on the road. The boy went to take it but unfortunately was hit by a truck and died on the spot. At his funeral, the girl hugged the bear and the machine in it spoke, “Will you marry me?” Guess what she found? A ring inside it.
It is a short sad love story of love that could not bloom any more because of that tragic incident. It makes us realize that we do not have enough time and never know when we will breathe our last. So, it is best to let of the ego and the false pretenses and just make sure that you love without regrets and seize the day to live the fullest.
Sad Story #2
“If only he knew,” she thought and went to sleep.
“If only she knew,” he wondered and stayed awake.
Often, we are so shy or scared let out our feelings that we miss the chance to find out one true love. This short sad love story definitely revels upon the same. It is sometimes needed to take risks and let out your feelings as unsaid love is much more painful than unrequited love. So, grab your chance and tell that special person how much you love them!
Sad Story #3
“Here, rewrote the notes for you”
“Why, you could have Xeroxed yours”
Confessions are best handwritten, she only learnt later.
It is a poignant short sad love story of a few words that delves us into the agony of a love that was never realized. The guy was too shy to share his true feelings and the girl was not aware of his feelings, so could never reciprocate his love in return. And she realized too late to act upon it.
Sad Story #4
Fragrant pens.
Pink papers.
Two years.
Only the dustbin knows how much she loves him.
It is yet another example of what happens in love when you are too unsure to tell your feelings to the other person. It is a short sad love story that every teenager who had a crush can relate to. The pain and agony of your first love and the helplessness when you cannot share your feelings however much you try is something that is aptly narrated in these few lines.
Sad Story #5
“Where’s your boyfriend?”
“It’s a long distance relationship.”
He smiled from heaven. She still managed to retain her sense of humour.
It is a heart-wrenching short sad love story that narrates the pain of the partner who is left all alone as the other ceases to be. It gets so difficult to go on in life when your partner whom you loved so much is no more there. It is a simple yet sweet love story that reminds us that even death and separation is nothing when the love is true and it can still survive.
Sad Story #6
She deleted the pictures.
She deleted the chats.
But that song on the radio reminded her everything.
It is a short sad love story of the consequences and painful moments of reverie one faces after the couple has separated and decided to go on their own ways. You may let go of the relationship, delete the physical evidences but what about the memories?
Sad Story #7
“I’m so happy for you”, she told him as she hugged him for the last time at the airport. Her smudged kajal told a different story.
Sometimes, we need to take different paths, to meet expectations, to fulfil our responsibilities and to be something, and that may lead to the sacrifice of our love. But that does not make it any less beautiful or special for us.
Sad Story #8
He clicked on “Add friend”.
2 months later, he clicked on “Block”.
In this world of virtual reality, the scenario of love and relationships has turned false. Proposals on the social media, mushy updates and pictures, misunderstandings, break-ups and the awesome feature of blocking someone has seen much of love that has withered and died in vain.
Sad Story #9
He wrote what he felt for her.
One more note was added in his drafts.
It is yet another short sad love story that takes us through the agony of an unsaid and unexpressed true love.
Sad Story #10
He was the night sky,
She was a star,
Always together,
Never one.
This short sad love story describes the impossible relationship of two people who love each other a lot but the circumstances prohibit them to be together. Yet, they are holding on and not letting their love go in vain.
Sad Story #11
One more time we are strangers.
But this time, with memories.
This is the reality we face after breakup. The one who was once our life, now just remains a faded segment in the recesses of our memory, once everything but now a complete stranger.
Sad Story #12
My wedding cost $6700 and my divorce cost $16425.
But both were worth it.
There is no point in dragging on a relationship that is long dead. Separation from your partner is painful. But sometimes it can be liberating if you are suffocated in a relationship. Does not matter how good it was in the past.
Sad Story #13
More often than not, I wish that I were dead; but then I get scared thinking,
“What if you are not waiting on the other side?”
It is a bereaved short sad love story of one partner waiting to join the other on the other side. But the dilemma and the loneliness that he/she feels here in this world makes the person sceptical about the next, where the beloved is waiting, or maybe not.
Sad Story #14
Her coffee was getting cold as she waited for him to miss her,
While his cigarettes were running one after the other trying to forget her.
Relationships are complex and sometimes we end things even when we are in love with the person.
Sad Story #15
“Wrong number,” said a familiar voice.
Once you are no longer a couple, the face of the lover fades away amidst strangers and there is no point in sorting things out. Sometimes all we need to do is let go.
Sad Story #16
He knows it is not possible. So he assumes she is selfish and greedy and stays happy thereafter.
It is an example of escapism and not believing in reality that gives us the strength to go on in life.
Sad Story #17
I now know that heaven is standing in front of a church, with the white dressed woman you love bathed in the tinted window’s rose-peddle light. Although, it would be better if I weren’t the best man.
The pain of unrequited love cannot be explained better.
Sad Story #18
“I thought you were the one until you weren’t.”
We are so fooled into blindly pursuing our love that we do not look back and retrospect whether it is worth it or not.
Sad Story #19
Seven years after, nothing has changed, he knows it will always be a”no.”
The short sad love story reflects the relentless desire of the lover for his/her one sided love.
Sad Story #20
She handed him the plane tickets, not telling him she threw away hers.
Sometimes, there is no point to continue in a relationship when you know that it is dead. Find the courage to realize it and move on one day.