This clay-based baby powder worked wonders as a diaper-rash remedy, especially when combined with my clay-infused diaper cream, zinc-oxide infused diaper cream, tallow balm or calendula salve. In case you’re wondering, I didn’t use all of these at once – I just made up a batch when needed with whatever I happened to have on hand. 🙂
DIY Natural Baby Powder Recipe
Note for cloth diapering mamas: This powder is compatible with cloth diapers.
1/4 cup bentonite clay powder (where to buy bentonite clay)
1 tablespoon arrowroot powder, optional. Makes the texture more fine.* (where to buy arrowroot powder)
* Like cornstarch, arrowroot powder is a starch and can help feed yeast. Since it’s not the primary ingredient in this recipe I don’t know that it would cause a problem for yeast-based rashes, but if you suspect yeast you may want to omit it.
To Make
Combine clay and arrowroot and pour into a clean glass jar with holes in the top for sprinkling – I use an old spice jar.
How To Use
Powder lightly after a diaper change as needed.
*Special Notes
Powders of any kind are not recommended for children under three months because they can inhale particles into their very sensitive lungs. Use only with older babies.