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Homemade Edible Finger Paint

Recipe #1 – DIY Homemade Finger Paint Using Spices For Color


  • 1/4 cup yogurt (I use homemade coconut yogurt)

  • 1 teaspoon – 1 tablespoon powdered spice (or more if desired, suggested amounts for each spice can be found below)

  • A smidge of honey – Optional. Use if you want your kids to enjoy taste testing as they go (where to buy honey)


Use turmeric for the most intense color, but be sure to cover your work surface because it stains. It will also tint little fingers slightly but fades pretty quickly. (Ironically, it stains skin but whitens teeth. True story.) Mustard can be used to create a light yellow.


Chlorella, spirulina, or other green powdered herb or spice.


Beetroot powder or hibiscus powder

To Make

Add yogurt to a small bowl or several bowls depending on how many colors you are making.

Mix in your powdered herbs/spices one teaspoon at a time until you reach the intensity you prefer. Use only one type of herb/spice per bowl.

For yellow, I used 1 tablespoon turmeric to color 1/4 cup yogurt. For green, only 1 teaspoon of chlorella was needed to reach a rich, green color. For pink, I usually use closer to 1 tablespoon of powder.

Add honey to taste if desired.

Recipe #2 – Homemade Finger Paint Using Natural Food Dye For Color

If possible, I recommend using powdered coloring because it thickens the yogurt and is more budget friendly. However, in a pinch natural food coloring will work!


  • 1/4 cup yogurt

  • natural food coloring – add as much as desired (I use this brand)

  • A smidge of honey – Optional. Use if you want your kids to enjoy taste testing as they go (where to buy honey)


Mix until the paint reaches the color intensity that you prefer. Add optional honey if desired.



Her passion is to help people to awaken their mind’s hidden potential and activate the power of their intuition so they can live happy, healthy and fulfilling live.
Mindset Expert, specializing in the fastest method of changing subconscious mind, releasing stress and improving vibrations levels.
For almost 8 years, she has been learning from leading personal development and collecting the best tools for life transformation and developments. She also have extensive knowledge in the field of sexual advice. For her sexuality is one factor that every woman and man should nourish. She here to express herself and on a mission to help on life journey.

Hello, My name is Ms Yuna Salazar founder of A Mindfulness Guru and Model. Producer of Healing Tone and Music.


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