This DIY soft scrub is perfect for use on ceramic surfaces, kitchen sinks, grout, just about anywhere with soap scum, countertops (except granite), and more.

Empty dish soap, ketchup or shampoo bottles make a great “squirt top” container for this scrub.
2 tbsp liquid castile soap
¾ cup baking soda
Just enough water to make a smooth, liquid paste (about 2-3 tablespoons)
10 drops grapefruit essential oil, lemon essential oil or tea tree essential oil (optional)
To Make
Combine baking soda, castile soap and essential oils.
Add just enough water to make a smooth liquid paste, then transfer mixture to your chosen airtight container.
To Use
Squirt a small amount on a damp sponge, cloth or scrub brush and massage into surface. Add more as needed. Rinse well with warm water.
Notes Can be stored at room temperature for up to a year.