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How To Express Love To Husband?

Now, some might argue that it’s actions alone that really prove love, but us married women know the beauty and power of the right words at the right time. So what I’m saying is, don’t restrict yourself to a set ‘way’ or ‘pattern’ or a ‘method’; embrace all the ways and more! After all, just like love has no boundaries and limitations, neither does expressing love. So here’s a list of some universally tried, tested and accepted ways on how to express love to husband, your husband, your one and only, that can really help express your deep-felt love for your better half.

1. Be Generous With Your Compliments

It’s a myth that only women bask in the glory of compliments. Men enjoy and appreciate being complimented as much as women do. From a simple, ‘you look great’ to a deeper ‘You are the greatest husband’; every compliment goes a long way in knowing how to express love to husbands especially. Complimenting is a simple way or gesture that shows how much you appreciate having him in your life.

2. Take Interest In His Likes And Hobbies

If your husband watches your favourite movie with you, you like it, don’t you? Take interest in his likes and hobbies too. Even though sitting through a game of football may not be your idea of fun, but if it’s his, do it once in a while; it’s a very important part of knowing how to express love to husbands. Sharing likes and hobbies together makes the love stronger and also communicates without words that you love him, and enjoy seeing him happy.

3. Pamper Him!

Another common myth is that only women like to be pampered. Men love being pampered and getting that special attention. So if you’re wondering how to express love to husband dearest, you can try a little massage after a long tiring day or picking up small but significant gifts while you are out shopping for the house, or even cooking his favourite food… the ways are endless.

4. Plan Romantic Evenings Together

It’s not always a husband who needs to make plans and make arrangements. Plan small surprises with him alone. It could be a movie date at home, or a delectable meal at his favourite restaurant, anything that you know will make a difference. Make the plan, make the arrangements and let your husband see how much alone time and romance means to you.

5. Be Supportive

Showing support and being a pillar of strength is the easiest and best way to show your love. Life can be tough sometimes and you need to show that no matter what, you will always be there holding his hand and walking through the tough times by his side. A simple ‘I’m always here for you’ is all you need, when it’s about knowing how to express love to husbands.

6. Surprise! Surprise!

Who does not love surprises? Plan and work on surprises for your husband. It could be buying something he has been wanting for a long time, or even calling over his friends for a night of game and fun! Plan something that you know will not only surprise him but also make him feel on the top of the world.

7. Physical Intimacy

Physical intimacy is a very important part of a marriage. It’s something that really connects two people. And, it’s a part of understanding how to express love to husbands and lovers alike. Take the first step and make the right moves to turn on the heat. From simply holding hands to making it a night of ecstasy, take lead!

8. Respect His Space

Both men and women enjoy their space. Showing that you respect his space is a great way of expressing your love. Alone time or boy’s night out or whatever it is. Everyone needs a personal space and both partners need to respect it equally.

9. Sweet Nothings

Sweet and small gestures like sending ‘miss you’ or ‘love you’ messages work well. Leaving post it notes with cute messages or or scribbling notes or sending a romantic SMS etc. It’s the small things that make up for larger love and happiness.

Like I said earlier, there are no fixed rules and everyone can make their own. These nine steps are the essential and probably the most important of ways of how to express love to you husband. Whether you have been married for an year or a decade, never stop expressing your love!



Her passion is to help people to awaken their mind’s hidden potential and activate the power of their intuition so they can live happy, healthy and fulfilling live.
Mindset Expert, specializing in the fastest method of changing subconscious mind, releasing stress and improving vibrations levels.
For almost 8 years, she has been learning from leading personal development and collecting the best tools for life transformation and developments. She also have extensive knowledge in the field of sexual advice. For her sexuality is one factor that every woman and man should nourish. She here to express herself and on a mission to help on life journey.

Hello, My name is Ms Yuna Salazar founder of A Mindfulness Guru and Model. Producer of Healing Tone and Music.


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