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How To Fall In Love

So you want to fall in love, eh? First order of things, then, is to find love. For you see, love isn’t something that’s going to come knocking at your door. The reality is that falling in love isn’t as easy as it seems in the movies or any other love story that you see depicted in popular culture. It takes time, patience, and a healthy slice of luck to find that special someone you can call ‘the one’. And, of course, there are a million ways in which you could fall in love, but what we have here are the most basic steps that more or less everyone goes through on their way to actually falling in love, and we hope it works wonders in your quest to look for your very own Romeo or Juliet.

1. Find The One

It takes a very discerning eye to find ‘the one’, your very own pretty princess or charming prince who is going to blow you away. Well, as a matter of fact, now that you’re here – we are pretty sure you are a hopeful soul that wanders in search of its eternal partner, someone that can breathe life into it, and make it whole. There’s a catch, however, for when you are where you are – you will mostly likely confuse infatuation with eternal love, which is a rookie mistake, meaning that by definition, everybody makes it at least once. So, scratch the surface and check whether it’s gold or rolled. Keep a tab, know who he or she really is, what they do and most importantly if they’re in the market for love. Once you’re sure you’ve found somebody who’s got that extra sheen and a touch of class that you’re looking for- lock in.

A “been there, done that” advisory: You might bump into a lot of types, so you better watch out! And as always, remember to be sure.

2. Know What You’re Looking For In Love

Now that you’ve a person in mind, move on to actually knowing what you are looking for. If it’s just a physical thing, which by the way is completely understandable or if you’re mature enough to want something that’ll last. Knowing what you want to expect from love and your future lover is the key to the next stage. You will have to snoop, stoop and spy – inside your own mind and into the outside world to know what you really want, and to get to know what kind of a person he or she is. Well, its two down now – you know the person you’re interested in and you know what you want from your love and your lover-to-be.

3. Take The Initiative

This is going to be your first real move, as you need to take the initiative and get to know him or her in person, for real. You’ve seen them, you’ve probably known them – but so far you’ve been doing your sleuthing which has meant keeping yourself out of their view, but now it is time to make yourself visible. You need to find a way to get in touch, because he or she is not going to make the move and come say hello since your prospective love doesn’t know that you’re remotely interested, and let’s be honest, you aren’t ugly, but you aren’t quite a Madonna or DiCap; so you need to take the initiative and make the first move, my friend.

4. Start With A Hi!

you know what is the best way to start a conversation– it’s with a ‘hi’ or a ‘hello’ (or even a ‘bonjour’). This is the first time you’re getting in touch with him or her, so be your best behaviour. Well, it could be someone you already know, but still – it’s different because you now know that you’re interested. It could be something as cool as this –

5. Know Your Compatibility

So you must be thinking “It has been an interesting ride!” Indeed it was my friend, but wait for what’s in store. This is where the game actually begins and you know you have to be strong, sexy, cool, awesome and shameless all at once, a bit like so:

Because, you see, compatibility in its very essence implies a compound, a mix, and not merely a compromise, as is the first thing that comes to mind. For it is a blend of personalities, personalities that decide, firstly, that they admire the other person enough to try and get along with them, get to know then, and spend time with them; and secondly, that the qualities displayed by the other person that override their perceived flaws. This way, the determination that you possess to get to know the other person does not diminish when you encounter views that are different than your own, or novel fields of interaction that you’ve never encountered before. So, while there may be certain elements of compromise at play, it is only after you have established that the ‘juice is worth the squeeze’, will you be willing to put aside any petty clashes, and work through the more important ones.

6. Work On It, Everyday.

Just like when preparing for exams, slogging for your promotion or even like jogging for fitness – you need to work on the relationship. One brick at a time – build a fortress of love, one where your lover is willing to walk-in, lock up and toss the key into the moat. This ride is going to be slow but it’s something that’ll make things steady. Know your partner, and show off your skills a bit, but it’s essential to keep in mind that you aren’t going to trick anybody and have a lasting relationship, you’re seeking to impress, so be real and honest or else it is going to be like this:

And the fact is that it’s okay if to mess up, what really matters is if you’re sincerely trying or not. Keep working on bettering yourself and being an accommodating partner, the sort you’d love to spend your time with, and your efforts shall bear fruit.

7. Know That You’re Getting There

Okay, that you’ve changed for the better is certain – those crazy Elvis side-locks have vanished,You now talk softly into your cell phone, blush while you text, and are always dressed to impress! Well, it’s nice that you know where you’re headed and it’s important that you live in the moment. Knowing that you’re getting there matters – relish it, cherish it and make the most of it.

8. Let Him Or Her Know It

Now that you know how things work, both for you and your partner, you have to use your understanding of where your story is heading, and let your significant other know that it is indeed, love.

That my friend is how you do it- just with your eyes! You don’t have to do something extraordinary or act pretty, you don’t even have to say a word – but, really, by this time we’re sure you know just how to get your point across without breaking sweat, if you’re already not a total pro at it.

9. Take The Plunge

This is it! You’ve gotten to know your partner and in the process of doing so you have decided that you’ve finally found love and that he or she is the key to your life long happiness. Now hardly seems an appropriate time, but we’re going to interject anyway with a word of caution– nobody can be 100% sure if the one they ask is going to definitely say ‘Yes’, – but hey, you’ve come this far, it’s pretty darn likely, and you ought to give love a chance anyway. Take the plunge, the leap of faith as they call it and when you stay true to whatever you believe in – faith, hope, luck and all those other variables will work in your favour!

10. You’re In Love!

It worked right? It has to, it will and it will. You’ve made it! Close your eyes and breathe in some love – You’ve conquered the difficult Mt. Amour climb, and congratulations are in order. On a more serious note, falling in love is truly complete when you have a partner who’ll walk that extra mile with you, reciprocate all the love you give, and stand by you no matter what. So now that you’re in love, it’s important to remember how awesome you’ve been everyday to be in love, to be here. Never forget these 10 steps ‘cause you don’t want to &^% up and lose it all. Love, live, share and respect your relationship, your partner and yourself. Life is all about loving and sharing; and you’ve been one blessed soul to have it all!


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