This recipe makes eight of the 1.5 fluid ounce square lotion bars pictured or ten of the round lotion bars in the video.

Ingredients (By Weight)
4 ounces coconut oil (where to buy coconut oil)
6 ounces cocoa butter (where to buy cocoa butter)
4 ounces beeswax (where to buy organic beeswax)
up to 1½ teaspoons essential oil (optional)
1⁄2 teaspoon Vitamin E (optional, I use this one both as a supplement and in my skincare products)
If no scale is available, try:
1⁄2 cup melted coconut oil (where to buy coconut oil)
2½ cups grated cocoa butter, loosely packed(where to buy cocoa butter)
½ cup grated beeswax, tightly packed (where to buy organic beeswax)
up to 1½ teaspoons essential oil (optional)
1⁄2 teaspoon Vitamin E essential oil (optional, I use this one both as a supplement and in my skincare products)
Special Equipment
Silicone mold, muffin tin or other mold (I used this square soap mold that says “100% Handmade”)
How To Make Lotion Bars
Fill a medium pot with about two inches of water and bring to a boil. Place a smaller pot or heat-proof stainless steel bowl inside the larger pot to create a double boiler. Add coconut oil, beeswax and cocoa butter to the bowl/pot. Stir occasionally until it is fully melted, then remove from heat. If you are adding essential oils or vitamin E, allow the mixture to cool a little before mixing them in and pouring the liquid in to your molds. If you are not adding essential oils or vitamin E, pour the liquid directly into your molds. Allow lotion bars to cool fully before unmolding them. If you want to speed things up, pop them into the fridge or freezer for ten to twenty minutes.
Shelf Life
Because there is no water in this formula, it is shelf stable for up to a year without the use of preservatives. Store out of direct sunlight and away from heat – it will melt!