Did you meet the cutest guy recently who might be just the one for you? Or you may have just met the woman of your dreams. In any ways, one of the first things in establishing a relationship of any nature is making them feel special. “And how does one accomplish that?” you may ask. There are no set rules to make this happen, but some of the ideas we have for you might just work for you, if you can play it cool!
1. Stop Talking
This is a game-changing cliché. Being the listener in a conversation gives you an emotional leverage for being the more understanding of the two, setting ground for a chance to make the other understand that you are emotionally available, while also making the other feel special.
2. One Message Goes A Long Way
Just a “Hey, Good mornin!” or a “Rainy day! What you up to?” can change somebody’s otherwise bad, or worse, nondescript day. Texting someone randomly is a message of reaching out to them, a way to say you’re thinking of them.
3. Hang Out Together
I remember how pissed off my friend was for not being invited to a party. We are still that, for the most part. Nothing makes you feel more special than getting invited to a party or a hang out, because you were remembered. It makes you feel special and wanted. Call your special someone for friendly hang-outs to chill, and let them know they are special.
4. Share Ideas And Fun
Share ideas with the other person and take interest in their ideas or projects. Expanding horizons together can be a fulfilling bonding experience and a lot of fun for people who share similar tastes. Share your ideas with someone close, to let them know that he or she is not the same as everybody else to you.
5. Try New Things Together
Trying new things together with someone, because the other person brought up the interest, can bring you closer to the other. Exploring new fun involves sharing ‘the first of many’ with someone, a special moment indeed. It could be the first episode of Daredevil that you watched together, or going bird-watching for the first time in your life.
6. Food Unites!
Food can be a great thing to share with someone special. Nothing can go better for two foodies than a feast for the tummies. Everybody loves food. I have a friend who believes chaat has healing powers! Go, feast on some gol gappas or a good shawarma, or anything else, and treat someone in this deliciously delightful in this experience.
7. Movie Night
Call someone special over for a movie night at your place or hit the theatre. Spending some quality movie time with the other person is a sign of closeness, a chance to get beyond a friend zone if you feel you are in one.
8. Trip On Some Good Music
Nothing unites people like music, because it needs no language; it is the medium and the language as well. Share your earphones, and put on some good tracks, and show someone that she is special today.
9. Compliment Them
Complimenting someone is a polite form of special treatment. You want someone to know they have your attention, but want to express it without getting much attention from anyone except the ‘special someone’: “Have you been working out?”, “That hat is dope.” etc.
10. Get Updates
Catch up with your girl or boy on their events: maybe she was talking about getting a tattoo, or maybe he was talking about an exam. Get updates, and wish them luck, to let them know they are special to you; that you’ve got their back.
These are some ways you could make someone feel special today. It could be a message, it could be a card. It could be a hug. And it’s not really that hard. If you want to tell someone they’re special, let them know. Pronto!