It sounds like the beginning of an infomercial; ” Fall in love in 36 Questions or Less! Your love life is waiting just beyond the completion of these questions!” I smell the makings of a reality TV show with high ratings.
“To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This” is the original article I read at the end of January when it was circulating on Facebook. It questioned the findings of Dr. Aron’s study that said any two people could fall in love after answering a series of 36 intimate questions and then staring into each other’s eyes for 4 minutes. The author of the article, Mandy Len Catron, tested out these questions with a university acquaintance. Later the two fell in love, although she doesn’t credit the study. Instead she says they are in love because they chose to be.
I don’t like those words “chose” to be in love indicates a willingness and a decision being made. I’m not of the mind set that we choose who we fall in love with. Instead I think that these questions helped foster a relationship based on an already existing chemistry. Chemistry and initial attraction are elements that the initial study doesn’t measure.
I think you could create a interpersonal relationship between two people who go through these questions and gaze into each other’s eyes. Love is instilled with feelings of attraction, intimacy alone, in my opinion, does not create love.
Either way it sounds like a great date night activity and something I might try out with my boyfriend despite the fact that we are already in love.
Of course there’s an app for this. To download the app for 36 Love Questions, look for the links here.
Ms Yuna