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The lone wolf

The lone wolf

I started dating the university’s lone wolf and was extremely surprised to find how incorrigible a flirt he was. But he didn’t speak my native language, he was not from my state and my parents wouldn’t have approved of our relationship.

When I told him I didn’t want to lead him on, he said we would try our best and if it didn’t work out he would take full responsibility for his broken heart and that I need not feel pressured. The feeling of liberation I felt cinched the deal for me. Looking back I am strangely touched by how he, an introvert, had allowed himself to be openly vulnerable in front of me.

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Her passion is to help people to awaken their mind’s hidden potential and activate the power of their intuition so they can live happy, healthy and fulfilling live.
Mindset Expert, specializing in the fastest method of changing subconscious mind, releasing stress and improving vibrations levels.
For almost 8 years, she has been learning from leading personal development and collecting the best tools for life transformation and developments. She also have extensive knowledge in the field of sexual advice. For her sexuality is one factor that every woman and man should nourish. She here to express herself and on a mission to help on life journey.

Hello, My name is Ms Yuna Salazar founder of A Mindfulness Guru and Model. Producer of Healing Tone and Music.


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