Here’s what you need to do:
1. Lead The Way
Guys really dig it when a girl takes charge, not in a “my way or the highway” fashion, but through suggestions, subtle hints and decisiveness. It will show him you know what you want and how to get it, and it will make him want you bad.
2. Laugh
Laughter is one of the sexiest signs that a woman can give a man, especially if she’s laughing at his joke(s). Bat your eyelashes, play with your hair, the usual flirting, and throw in a genuine laugh while making eye contact. He’ll get the hint and he’ll want more. Eye contact and a smile will also do the trick, especially if it’s a lingering, suggestive look.
3. Pay Him A Compliment
Men love compliments but rarely get enough, especially from women. Pick out something you admire about him and tell him in a playful way. Don’t go over the top, and if he’s already used to getting compliments, pick out something he does that’s important to him, and compliment him about it. It’s an instant turn on.
4. Be Confident
Not aloof. Guys love a confident girl, especially if she’s only really paying attention to him, and not so much to the others. It will make him feel special, and it will make him crave you like noone he has ever before.
5. Text Him
If you’ve got his number, you can start out with playful and flirty texts, and then start to take an increasingly naughtier turn. Texting takes away the awkwardness of facetoface interaction, and lets him know just what kind of possibilities lie with you, and he will want to get them come hell or high water.
6. Show Your Flirty Side
Whether it’s getting up to grab a coffee at the same time, or you approaching him with some relatively easy problems that require the two of you to sit down and “work” together, you can throw some light flirting and suggestive talk into your interactions and part ways soon after. Those thoughts will linger in his mind a long time, and he won’t be able to get enough.
7. Classy Always Works
Don’t cross any limits that two people wouldn’t normally cross, and more importantly show yourself off as a self respecting woman. Let him know that even though you can be naughty, adventurous and hot, your upbringing dictates that you’re spot on with your manners and how you treat people. Those are two rare qualities for any person to possess together, and they’ll be extremely desirable to him.
8. Show A Little Something
It’s no surprise that men are visual creatures, but the rule of thumb here is to not overdo it. If your legs are your best asset, you know what to do, or if you’d prefer to rock a vline shirt, so be it. Just a hint will set him racing and get his imagination into overdrive.
8. Be Shy
The backup option for girls for whom none of the above are viable or comfortable options, is to feign shyness around him, but to still constantly be around him and make glances and the like. This will intrigue him enough to converse with you, which is when you slowly start to show your wild side. The transformation and its unravelling will drive him over the edge, we guarantee.